
Participate in this Kroger fuel point survey offer at survey site within 7 days and tell us about your experience you had at the stores. Because Kroger prioritizes customer satisfaction, so it encourages to take the kroger customer satisfaction survey on previously, now web address has changed to Complete the Kroger survey at the official site to redeem 50 fuel points. Kroger arranged a website to receive feedback from customers and know their customer satisfaction levels. The online customers satisfaction survey displaying on Kroger Official Survey site namely “KrogerFeedback”. Take español survey if you are not comfortable with english at Kroger. The objective behind giving the feedback on is to identify the areas of improvement and offer high quality products at lowest prices possible to their beloved customers. Activo hace 1 mes, 1 semana
Activo hace 1 mes, 1 semana

Deseo cumplido

 Revisaba mis redes sociales , cuando empeso esta historia ,  mensajendo con una mujer que siendo muy educada de buena situacion y esposa ejemplar ..bueno al menos eso creia una noche  siendo cerca de las 3am recibi su saludo , estas despierto ? Si ..y tu que haces despierta a esta hora? no puedo dormir […]
